English for children with Niki and Densel

Pro děti, které ve šk. roce 2019/20 navštěvovaly kroužek „English for children with Kate and Cookie“ (modrá učebnice) nebo „English for children with Kate and Peter“ (fialová učebnice) a také pro děti, které se nikdy anglicky neučily a jsou poslední rok v MŠ.

1. Introduce yourself (I am – you are – he/she is … , Hallo!, Bye-bye!/Good- bye!)

2. Family (daddy, mummy, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa)

3. Numbers (count up to 10, then to 20)

4. Colours and adjectives (fat x slim, soft x hard, happy x sad, big x small, long x short)

5. Noisy toys (boat,  robot, plane, trumpet, drum, phone – opakování: balloon, scooter, doll, teddy, ball, car, train, trampoline)

6. Shapes (opakování – circle, square, rectangle, triangle)

7. Jungle animals (crocodile, parrot, monkey, snake, tiger, lion, tail – opakování: kangaroo, duck, bird, spider, fish, turtle, rabbit, bird)

8. My body (head: face, ear, nose, hair, mouth, eyes – opakování: arm, tummy, finger, leg, foot-feet, hand, knee, toe, hair)

9. Movement (look for, shake, wave, pat, stamp, stop, clap, run, snap, slap, up x down, turn around, …)

10. Classroom language (sit down, stand up, draw, look, listen, complete, put in, take out, trace, open, close, find, circle, do, make, fold, cut, count, colour, match, sing, decorate, follow, write, colour by numbers, follow the maze)

11. Clothes (put on your umbrella / hat / jacket / T-shirt / swimsuit  - opakování: trousers, socks, shoes, shorts)

12. House (have a picnic, cup, bottle, coffer, suitcase, basket, washing line – opakování: path, window, door, ladder, kitchen – table, chair, fridge, bowl, spoon,  knife, fork, plate)

13. School (teacher, pupil, poster, book, desk, chair, blackboard, paper, coloured pencil, pencil, pen )

14. Food (melon, cherry-cherries, chicken, sandwiches, yoghurt, milkshake – opakování: chocolate, ice-cream, cake, jelly, apples, bananas)

15. Nature (tree, leaf-leaves, grass, flower, pond, lake, sun, cloud, moon, star)

16. Weather  (It´s rainy / cold / windy / sunny / hot.)

17. Prepositions (in, on, behind)

18. Daily routine (in the morning, in the evening, comb, wash, get up, go to bed)

19. Questions (Where is … ?, Can you see …?, How many … ?, What´s missing ?, What´s your favourite … ?, What do you do … ?, What´s the weather like today ?, What did Cookie eat ?, What colour is …?)

20. Festivals: Christmas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus, coat, belt, beard, sleigh, Christmas tree, Christmas Day, presents, sack – opakování: snowman, candles, Christmas card, ornaments), Easter (Easter Bunny, eggs), Father´s Day (I love you, you love me), Halloween (pumpkin, jack–o–lantern – opakování: ghost, witch, black cat), Carnival (make a funny mask, join he carnival), Mother´s Day – opakování.


Hravá forma výuky – písničky, básničky, spojovačky, dokreslování, omalovánky, puzzle,  hledání rozdílů, výroba maňásků a záložek, pohybové hry a hlavně snaha představit dětem angličtinu zábavnou formou !

Učebnice: Cookie and friends Plus B  ( žlutý přebal, 55 stran, CD s
písničkami uvnitř!), Učebnice budou zakoupeny lektorkou v prvním týdnu výuky!

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